I have a problem with call centres and one by one I’m determined to improve the way these centres deliver a better customer experience.
A few weeks back I bought some shirts online. For reasons with which I won’t bore you these shirts failed to be delivered, obliging me to deal with their call centre. As call centres go it wasn’t too bad, I have seen and experienced a lot worse, but one thing did irritate me.In the period between my original order, which had got lost, and my subsequent re-ordering, the price had gone up and by quite a bit. Naturally as a careful Scot I queried this and pointed out that I did not think it right to be charged at the new higher price when it was not my fault that the order hadn’t been processed.
This was a great opportunity for my shirt maker to really wow me. And they really blew it. Or at least they didn’t make the best of the opportunity they had.My request for my order to be processed at the cheaper price was not surprisingly above the pay grade of the person I was dealing with and after consulting with a supervisor came back and told me that they would agree to sell the shirts to me at the lower price. Although pleased at the outcome I was rather miffed by the tone which made it sound as if they were doing me a great big favour. I did resist the temptation to point out that it was me doing them the favour by agreeing to buy their product in the first place.
I remember once being told, and it may be apocryphal, that at Marks & Spencer if you asked for a size that wasn’t on the shelf, the assistant even though she knew everything was out on the floor, would go away and pretend to look, thereby giving the impression that they had made every effort to meet your needs.Consider this too.
Imagine your 11am flight to London is cancelled and you need to be in town tomorrow morning. There’s an evening flight that’s open. Where most call centres might simply say “I can put you on a flight leaving at 9pm tonight'' other call centres might say “well I know I can put you on the 9pm flight tonight, but let me see what I can do to get you on the 7am flight in the morning”. A less desirable option creates a mental anchor, making the best alternative seem more acceptable. Which approach do you think has the greater impact on loyalty and customer buying habits?These are the moments of truth for anyone dealing with customers, the point where the rubber hits the road, and when it is vital to get it right. This is when a good customer service person can make life easy for the customer and in so doing build loyalty the right customer buying behaviour. It’s not the big things that make the difference in the customer experience but the little things. Marks & Spencer seem to understand that. My online shirt shop didn’t.
I know it’s not rocket science but surely if our call centres get the small things right life becomes more bearable for us all.But what do you think?